The service uptime for every single hosting account is of considerable importance. If you are using a server that has recurrent issues and your site is not online for long periods of time, it is more likely that site visitors won't come back. In case you have an online store, for instance, this would mean lost clients smaller income. Your sites could even get penalized by search engines like yahoo with lower rankings no matter how good their content is. In order to avoid this sort of scenario, it is best to always make certain that the hosting service you get is stable. In this way, the success of your website will depend entirely on its content and your advertising campaigns and will not be affected by hosting-related aspects that you have no control over.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Hosting

All of our hosting solutions come with a 99.9% service uptime warranty. We can achieve that by using a groundbreaking cloud hosting platform in which every single service (files, email messages, databases, and so on.) has its own cluster of servers. We don't run everything on one server as most companies do, so we have basically eliminated the downtime of any service and even in peak times we can balance the load between web servers for the best possible performance of your Internet sites. If one machine fails, the other ones inside the cluster will take over in order to guarantee the continuous functioning of the web sites. To protect yourself from infrastructural difficulties, our server facilities use powerful diesel backup generators and several independent Internet providers as to make certain that website visitors will be able to reach your internet sites no matter what. We also have a team of qualified professionals tracking the servers 24/7/365.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Using our semi-dedicated server plans, you are going to take advantage of a 99.9% service uptime and you can just forget about any problems you may have experienced with other providers. In contrast to the majority of hosting companies, we do not run everything on just a single hosting server. As an alternative, each and every part of the hosting service, like the file storage, email messages, databases, Control Panel, stats, and so forth., has its own clusters of web servers. If one machine fails, the others shall take over, so your websites won't be affected. We also employ a revolutionary load-balancing platform which ensures the best performance of both our web servers and the internet websites accommodated on them. Numerous independent Internet providers and diesel-powered generators are our backup in the event of an infrastructural problem, while a group of qualified administrators, that's available 24/7, watches the system in case of software difficulties. Through our semi-dedicated packages, your internet sites shall be operational no matter what.

Service Uptime Guarantee in VPS Web Hosting

Our Virtual Private Server packages include a 99.9% uptime warranty. The stability and availability of the service is guaranteed by a number of Internet providers and diesel backup generators. We also use new hardware for the physical web servers where the VPS accounts are created to avoid any probability of hardware malfunction and every part has been tested extensively. The safety of your information is guaranteed by employing enterprise-level hard disk drives working in RAID and the uptime warranty time includes all routine maintenance procedures, so your websites shall be operating virtually without any interruptions. Our experienced admins will resolve immediately any software issue that may appear, so even if there is a problem with a different virtual private server account on the physical web server, your VPS shall not be affected. The web server uptime is listed on our internet site and not hidden in our Terms of Service because we can keep our promise and provide you with an exceptionally dependable hosting service.